Ayurvedic Tongue Assessment
“Jivha Pariksha”
The tongue's landscape is read by color, coating, shape and cracks. These details aid in tracking levels and types of toxicity, lymph and blood flow and when we were affected by an experience in life. We have nerve endings embedded in the muscle of the tongue, creating a map of our internal organs and it provides elemental signs of balance and imbalances happening inside our bodies.
Our tongues are between the head and heart, we communicate with it and it acts as a gateway to out intimate truths and life experiences. We taste, feel, eat, drink, nourish ourselves and share pleasures with our tongue and it is connected to the limbic brain where we store our memories and emotions.

Meet Your Specialist
DeAnna Batdorff offers a blend of Ayurvedic tongue analysis and Tibetan health sciences to track our emotional being. She has found that the ancient wisdom of elemental medicine is globally connected and supported by Western research.
DeAnna has 30+ years of experience working with clients just like you. Her intentions are to honor the truths that are seen from this precious place within and relay information in a user-friendly way for you to take action.
She thanks her teachers Dr. Lobsang Rapgay, Dr. Vasant Lad, & Dr. Liladhar Gupta for sharing this knowledge with the world.
She strives to provide you:
- A sense of balance in your body that feels like home
- The power and knowledge to care for your body
- A path to vitality through being authentic with self.
- All the knowledge she has gained that you'd like to learn
- A no judgement attitude
- 50/50%-head & heart
- 50/50- intuition and intellect
- 50/50 masculine and feminine knowing
“My Intellect and Intuition will both play out in the process of reading your tongue, it may not be truth the whole story. Remember that you know your history, better than I do.
I will look within and see what presents itself and then you can give it thought and see what it means to you personally. My use of language may also be specific to what I hear and visualize’.
Thank you for entrusting your wellbeing to my guidance!"